
Eavesdropping on All About Eve

"When you become a singer you realise you have power. People want to know what you're saying. You become slightly Messianic." - Julianne
"I've never been a witch. I dabbled briefly in mysticism but it was a cerebral thing." - Julianne
"I think America might see us as a punk rock Fleetwood Mac." - Julianne
"I wouldn't mind some drama for a change. Everything's so bloody nice. I'm just waiting for something nasty to happen." - Julianne
"At school I was in punk rock bands. Eventually I grew disillusioned with it. But whatever happens to this band I'll never lose that sense it gave me." - Andy
"We're a young band and we're getting better and better. It's really as simple as that." - Mark
"I've got an evil streak." - Julianne
"On the All About Eve bookshelf you'd find well-worn Thomas Hardy's - they've been leafed through. And you'd find Angela Carter, 'Georgie Girl' and 'The Terminator'." - Julianne
"Marty's paranoid about cliché. He polices himself for cliché, he polices everyone." - Andy
"We've been fashionable, we've been horrendously unfashionable. We've been through hell and high water on a personal level. And when you've been through all that there's no point in being fey anymore." - Julianne


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