Database is being updated,
please try again shortly.

Currently uploaded $num_rows chartruns

"; echo $displayblockc ; } else { ?>
UK Singles - 1952-2015
Searching chartruns - latest date added:

Search on:  > Artist     > Song

Type of search: >Whole field   >Start Of Field   >Any Part Of Field


No records found....

"; } else { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultpeak)) { $bgcolor = ($i++ % 2) ? '#ffffff' : '#e0e0e0'; $enteredchart = $row['EnteredCht']; $titleid = $row['TitleID']; $artistid = $row['ArtistID']; $artist = $row['Artist']; $song = $row['Song']; $peak = $row['Peak']; $totweeks = $row['TotWeeks']; $chartrun = $row['ChartRun']; $AmazonASIN = $row['AmazonASIN']; if (strlen($row['AmazonASIN']) > 1) { $AmazonLink = "Buy from"; } else { $AmazonLink = "Search for $artist at"; } $displayblock .= " $AmazonLink $enteredchart $artist $song $peak $chartrun "; } } ?>
If you find these chart runs useful, why not consider making a donation to its upkeep?

If you don't like PayPal, you can select something from my Amazon wishlist.

Thanks to all those that have contributed so far!

  Entered Chart Artist Song Peak ChartRun {Peak}

= link to single on Amazon

Locations of visitors to this page  

How to read the chart runs:
All positions are separated with a hyphen
R denotes a re-entry, so 40R(2) means a re-entry at position 40,
with a two week gap between the dates
The number of weeks on the chart follows the final position listed

If you find any inconsistencies in the data please let me know.

Top 10 searches
in the last 6 months:

Ed Sheeran
Sam Smith
Taylor Swift
One Direction
Calvin Harris

(as at 04/06/2015)

Some tips for searching:

Sheet music chart runs pre-November 1952 have been removed
from the database, and are available for searching here.